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Racial disparities in hydrocephalus mortality and shunt revision: a study from the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Brandon G. Rocque MD, MS, Hailey Jensen MStat, Ron W. Reeder PhD, MS, Curtis J. Rozzelle MD, Abhaya V. Kulkarni MD, PhD, Ian F. Pollack MD, Michael M. McDowell MD, Robert P. Naftel MD, Eric M. Jackson MD, William E. Whitehead MD, MPH, Jonathan A. Pindrik MD, Albert M. Isaacs MD, Jennifer M. Strahle MD, Patrick J. McDonald MD, MHSc, Mandeep S. Tamber MD, PhD, Todd C. Hankinson MD, Samuel R. Browd MD, PhD, Jason S. Hauptman MD, PhD, Mark D. Krieger MD, Jason Chu MD, MSc, Jay Riva-Cambrin MD, MSc, David D. Limbrick Jr. MD, PhD, Richard Holubkov PhD, John R. W. Kestle MD, and John C. Wellons III MD, MSPH, for the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Reimagining durability of hydrocephalus treatment using conditional survival
Aaron M. Yengo-Kahn MD, John C. Wellons III MD, MSPH, Hailey Jensen MStat, Abhaya V. Kulkarni MD, Jason K. Chu MD, MSc, Jason S. Hauptman MD, PhD, Albert M. Isaacs MD, PhD, Eric M. Jackson MD, Patrick J. McDonald MD, MHSc, Michael M. McDowell MD, Ian F. Pollack MD, Ron Reeder PhD, MS, Jay Riva-Cambrin MD, Brandon G. Rocque MD, MS, Jennifer M. Strahle MD, Mandeep S. Tamber MD, PhD, and John R. W. Kestle MD , on behalf of the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Neurodevelopmental outcomes of permanent and temporary CSF diversion in posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus: a Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network study
Albert M. Isaacs MD, PhD, Chevis N. Shannon DrPH, MBA, MPH, Samuel R. Browd MD, PhD, Jason S. Hauptman MD, PhD, Richard Holubkov PhD, Hailey Jensen MStat, Abhaya V. Kulkarni MD, PhD, Patrick J. McDonald MD, MHSc, Michael M. McDowell MD, Robert P. Naftel MD, Nichol Nunn MBA, Jonathan Pindrik MD, Ian F. Pollack MD, Ron Reeder PhD, Jay Riva-Cambrin MD, MSc, Curtis J. Rozzelle MD, Brandon G. Rocque MD, MS, Jennifer M. Strahle MD, Mandeep S. Tamber MD, PhD, William E. Whitehead MD, John R. W. Kestle MD, David D. Limbrick Jr. MD, PhD, and John C. Wellons III MD, MSPH
Comparing ventriculoatrial and ventriculopleural shunts in pediatric hydrocephalus: a Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network study
Vijay M. Ravindra MD, MSPH, Jay Riva-Cambrin MD, MSc, Hailey Jensen MStat, William E. Whitehead MD, Abhaya V. Kulkarni MD, PhD, David D. Limbrick Jr. MD, PhD, John C. Wellons III MD, MSPH, Robert P. Naftel MD, Curtis J. Rozzelle MD, Brandon G. Rocque MD, MS, Ian F. Pollack MD, Michael M. McDowell MD, Mandeep S. Tamber MD, PhD, Jason S. Hauptman MD, PhD, Samuel R. Browd MD, PhD, Jonathan Pindrik MD, Albert M. Isaacs MD, PhD, Patrick J. McDonald MD, MHSc, Todd C. Hankinson MD, Eric M. Jackson MD, Jason Chu MD, MSc, Mark D. Krieger MD, Tamara D. Simon MD, MSPH, Jennifer M. Strahle MD, Richard Holubkov PhD, Ron Reeder PhD, and John R. W. Kestle MD, for the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
A re-evaluation of the Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy Success Score: a Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network study
Leonard H. Verhey MD, PhD, Abhaya V. Kulkarni MD, PhD, Ron W. Reeder PhD, Jay Riva-Cambrin MD, MSc, Hailey Jensen MStat, Ian F. Pollack MD, Brandon G. Rocque MD, MS, Mandeep S. Tamber MD, PhD, Patrick J. McDonald MD, MHSc, Mark D. Krieger MD, Jonathan A. Pindrik MD, Jason S. Hauptman MD, PhD, Samuel R. Browd MD, PhD, William E. Whitehead MD, Eric M. Jackson MD, John C. Wellons III MD, MSPH, Todd C. Hankinson MD, Jason Chu MD, MSc, David D. Limbrick Jr. MD, PhD, Jennifer M. Strahle MD, John R. W. Kestle MD, and for the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Does machine learning improve prediction accuracy of the Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy Success Score? A contemporary Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network cohort study.
Malhotra AK, Kulkarni AV, Verhey LH, Reeder RW, Riva-Cambrin J, Jensen H, Pollack IF, McDowell M, Rocque BG, Tamber MS, McDonald PJ, Krieger MD, Pindrik JA, Isaacs AM, Hauptman JS, Browd SR, Whitehead WE, Jackson EM, Wellons JC 3rd, Hankinson TC, Chu J, Limbrick DD Jr, Strahle JM, Kestle JRW; Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Treatment of hydrocephalus following posterior fossa tumor resection: a multicenter collaboration from the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Dewan MC, Isaacs AM, Cools MJ, Yengo-Kahn A, Naftel RP, Jensen H, Reeder RW, Holubkov R, Haizel-Cobbina J, Riva-Cambrin J, Jafrani RJ, Pindrik JA, Jackson EM, Judy BF, Kurudza E, Pollack IF, Mcdowell MM, Hankinson TC, Staulcup S, Hauptman J, Hall K, Tamber MS, Cheong A, Warsi NM, Rocque BG, Saccomano BW, Snyder RI, Kulkarni AV, Kestle JRW, Wellons JC 3rd;
Shunt infection prevention practices in Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network–Quality: a new quality improvement network for hydrocephalus management
Mandeep S. Tamber MD, PhD , Hailey Jensen MStat , Jason Clawson BA , Nichol Nunn MBA , John C. Wellons III MD, MSPH , Jodi Smith PhD, MD , Jonathan E. Martin MD , and John R. W. Kestle MD, MSc , on behalf of the HCRNq Investigators
Comparison of outcomes in the management of abdominal pseudocyst in children with shunted hydrocephalus: a Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network study
Ravindra VM, Jensen H, Riva-Cambrin J, Wellons JC, Limbrick DD, Pindrik J, Jackson EM, Pollack IF, Hankinson TC, Hauptman JS, Tamber MS, Kulkarni AV, Rocque BG, Rozzelle C, Whitehead WE, Chu J, Krieger MD, Simon TD, Reeder R, McDonald PJ, Nunn N, Kestle JRW; Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network; HCRN Members
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy revision after failure of initial endoscopic third ventriculostomy and choroid plexus cauterization
Arynchyna-Smith A, Rozzelle CJ, Jensen H, Reeder RW, Kulkarni AV, Pollack IF, Wellons JC, Naftel RP, Jackson EM, Whitehead WE, Pindrik JA, Limbrick DD, McDonald PJ, Tamber MS, O'Neill BR, Hauptman JS, Krieger MD, Chu J, Simon TD, Riva-Cambrin J, Kestle JRW, Rocque BG
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in previously shunt-treated patients
Rocque BG, Jensen H, Reeder RW, Kulkarni AV, Pollack IF, Wellons JC, Naftel RP, Jackson EM, Whitehead WE, Pindrik JA, Limbrick DD, McDonald PJ, Tamber MS, Hankinson TC, Hauptman JS, Krieger MD, Chu J, Simon TD, Riva-Cambrin J, Kestle JRW, Rozzelle CJ
The Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network quality improvement initiative: the role of antibiotic-impregnated catheters and vancomycin wound irrigation.
Chu J, Jensen H, Holubkov R, Krieger MD, Kulkarni AV, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle CJ, Limbrick DD, Wellons JC, Browd SR, Whitehead WE, Pollack IF, Simon TD, Tamber MS, Hauptman JS, Pindrik J, Naftel RP, McDonald PJ, Hankinson TC, Jackson EM, Rocque BG, Reeder R, Drake JM, Kestle JRW
Cerebrospinal fluid NCAM-1 concentration is associated with neurodevelopmental outcome in post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus of prematurity
Limbrick DD, Morales DM, Shannon CN, Wellons JC, Kulkarni AV, Alvey JS, Reeder RW, Freimann V, Holubkov R, Riva-Cambrin JK, Whitehead WE, Rozzelle CJ, Tamber M, Oakes WJ, Drake JM, Pollack IF, Naftel RP, Inder TE, Kestle JR
Impact of ventricle size on neuropsychological outcomes in treated pediatric hydrocephalus: an HCRN prospective cohort study
Riva-Cambrin J, Kulkarni AV, Burr R, Rozzelle CJ, Oakes WJ, Drake JM, Alvey JS, Reeder RW, Holubkov R, Browd SR, Cochrane DD, Limbrick DD, Naftel R, Shannon CN, Simon TD, Tamber MS, McDonald PJ, Wellons JC, Luerssen TG, Whitehead WE, Kestle JRW
Anterior versus posterior entry site for ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion: a randomized controlled trial by the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Whitehead WE, Riva-Cambrin J, Wellons JC, Kulkarni AV, Limbrick DD, Wall VL, Rozzelle CJ, Hankinson TC, McDonald PJ, Krieger MD, Pollack IF, Tamber MS, Pindrik J, Hauptman JS, Naftel RP, Shannon CN, Chu J, Jackson EM, Browd SR, Simon TD, Holubkov R, Reeder RW, Jensen H, Koschnitzky JE, Gross P, Drake JM, Kestle JRW
Machine learning predicts risk of cerebrospinal fluid shunt failure in children: a study from the hydrocephalus clinical research network
Hale AT, Riva-Cambrin J, Wellons JC, Jackson EM, Kestle JRW, Naftel RP, Hankinson TC, Shannon CN
Treatment strategies for hydrocephalus related to Dandy-Walker syndrome: evaluating procedure selection and success within the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Yengo-Kahn AM, Wellons JC, Hankinson TC, Hauptman JS, Jackson EM, Jensen H, Krieger MD, Kulkarni AV, Limbrick DD, McDonald PJ, Naftel RP, Pindrik JA, Pollack IF, Reeder R, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle CJ, Tamber MS, Whitehead WE, Kestle JRW
Longitudinal CSF Iron Pathway Proteins in Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus: Associations with Ventricle Size and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
Strahle JM, Mahaney KB, Morales DM, Buddhala C, Shannon CN, Wellons JC 3rd, Kulkarni AV, Jensen H, Reeder RW, Holubkov R, Riva-Cambrin JK, Whitehead WE, Rozzelle CJ, Tamber M, Pollack IF, Naftel RP, Kestle JRW, Limbrick DD Jr
Hydrocephalus treatment in patients with craniosynostosis: an analysis from the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network prospective registry
Bonfield CM, Shannon CN, Reeder RW, Browd S, Drake J, Hauptman JS, Kulkarni AV, Limbrick DD, McDonald PJ, Naftel R, Pollack IF, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle C, Tamber MS, Whitehead WE, Kestle JRW, Wellons JC
Surgical Resource Utilization after Initial Treatment of Infant Hydrocephalus: Comparing Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (ETV), Early Experience of ETV with Choroid Plexus Cauterization, and Shunt Insertion in the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Pindrik J, Riva-Cambrin J, Kulkarni AV, Alvey JS, Reeder RW, Pollack IF, Wellons JC, Jackson EM, Rozzelle CJ, Whitehead WE, Limbrick DD, Naftel RP, Shannon C, McDonald PJ, Tamber MS, Hankinson TC, Hauptman JS, Simon TD, Krieger MD, Holubkov R, Kestle JRW
Predictors of fast and ultra fast shunt failure in pediatric hydrocephalus: a Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network study
Hauptman JS, Kestle J, Riva-Cambrin J, Kulkarni AV, Browd SR, Rozzelle CJ, Whitehead WE, Naftel RP, Pindrik J, Limbrick DD, Drake J, Wellons JC III, Tamber MS, Shannon CN, Simon TD, Pollack IF, McDonald PJ, Krieger MD, Chu J, Hankinson TC, Jackson EM, Alvey JS, Reeder RW, Holubkov R
Temporal trends in surgical procedures for pediatric hydrocephalus: an analysis of the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network Core Data Project
Tamber MS, Kestle JRW, Reeder RW, Holubkov R, Alvey J, Browd SR, Drake JM, Kulkarni AV, Limbrick DD, McDonald PJ, Rozzelle CJ, Simon TD, Naftel R, Shannon CN, Wellons JC, Whitehead WE, Riva-Cambrin J
Predictors of success for combined endoscopic third ventriculostomy and choroid plexus cauterization in a North American setting: a Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network study
Riva-Cambrin J, Kestle JRW, Rozzelle CJ, Naftel RP, Alvey JS, Reeder RW, Holubkov R, Browd SR, Cochrane DD, Limbrick DD, Shannon CN, Simon TD, Tamber MS, Wellons JC, Whitehead WE, Kulkarni AV
Reinfection rates following adherence to Infectious Diseases Society of America guideline recommendations in first cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection treatment
Simon TD, Kronman KB, Whitlock KB, Kestle J, Kulkarni AV, Limbrick DD, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle C, Shannon CN, Tamber M, Wellons JC, Whitehead WE
Patient and treatment characteristics by infecting organism in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt infection
Simon TD, Kronman M, Whitlock KB, Browd SR, Holubkov R, Kestle JR, Kulkarni A, Langley M, Limbrick DD, Luerssen TG, Oakes J, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle C, Shannon C, Tamber M, Wellons JC, Whitehead WE, Mayer-Hamblett N
Reinfection after treatment of first cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection: a prospective observational cohort study
Simon TD, Kronman MP, Whitlock KB, Gove NE, Mayer-Hamblett N, Browd WR, Cochrane DD, Holubkov R, Kulkarni AV, Langley M, Limbrick DD Jr., Luerssen TG, Oakes WJ, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle C, Shannon C, Tamber M, Wellons JC 3rd, Whitehead WE, Kestle JRW
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy and choroid plexus cauterization in infant hydrocephalus: a prospective study by the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Kulkarni AV, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle CJ, Naftel RP, Alvey JS, Reeder RW, Holubkov R, Browd SR, Cochrane DD, Limbrick DD Jr, Simon TD, Tamber M, Wellons JC 3rd, Whitehead WE, Kestle JRW
Shunting outcomes in posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus: results of a Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network prospective cohort study
Wellons JC 3rd, Shannon CN, Holubkov R, Riva-Cambrin J, Kulkarni AV, Limbrick DD Jr, Whitehead W, Browd S, Rozzelle C, Simon TD, Tamber MS, Oakes WJ, Drake J, Luerssen T, Kestle J
Ventricular catheter entry site and not catheter tip location predicts shunt survival: a secondary analysis of 3 large pediatric hydrocephalus studies
Whitehead WE, Riva-Cambrin J, Kulkarni AV, Wellons JC 3rd, Rozzelle CJ, Tamber MS, Limbrick DD Jr, Browd SR, Naftel RP, Shannon CN, Simon TD, Holubkov R, Illner A, Cochrane DD, Drake JM, Luerssen TG, Oakes WJ, Kestle JR
A new hydrocephalus clinical research network protocol to reduce cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection
Kestle J, Holubkov R, Cochrane DD, Kulkarni AV, Limbrick DD, Luerssen TG, Oakes JW, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle C, Simon T, Walker ML, Wellons JC III, Browd SR, Drake JM, Shannon CN, Tamber MS, Whitehead WW
Variability in management of first cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt infection: a prospective multi-institutional observational cohort study
Simon TD, Kronman M, Whitlock KB, Gove N, Browd SR, Holubkov R, Kestle JR, Kulkarni A, Langley M, Limbrick DD, Luerssen TG, Oakes J, Riva-Cambrin J, Rozzelle C, Shannon C, Tamber M, Wellons JC, Whitehead WE, Mayer-Hamblett N
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in children: prospective, multicenter results from the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Kulkarni AV, Riva-Cambrin J, Holubkov R, Browd SR, Cochrane DD, Drake JM, Limbrick DD, Rozzelle CJ, Simon TD, Tamber MS, Wellons JC 3rd, Whitehead WE, Kestle JR
Risk factors for shunt malfunction in pediatric hydrocephalus: a multicenter prospective cohort study
Riva-Cambrin J, Kestle JRW, Holubkov R, Butler J, Kulkarni AV, Drake J, Whitehead WE, Wellons JC, Shannon CN, Tamber MS, Limbrick DD, Rozzelle C, Browd SR, Simon T
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy and choroid plexus cauterization in infants with hydrocephalus: a retrospective Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network study
Kulkarni AV, Riva-Cambrin J, Browd SR, Drake JM, Holubkov R, Kestle JR, Limbrick DD, Rozzelle CJ, Simon TD, Tamber MS, Wellons JC III, Whitehead WE
Factors associated with ventricular catheter movement and inaccurate catheter location: post hoc analysis of the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network Ultrasound-Guided Shunt Placement Study
Whitehead WE, Riva-Cambrin J, Wellons JC 3rd, Kulkarni AV, Browd S, Limbrick D, Rozzelle C, Tamber MS, Simon TD, Shannon CN, Holubkov R, Oakes WJ, Luerssen TG, Walker ML, Drake JM, Kestle JR
Risk factors for first cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection: findings from a multi-center prospective cohort study
Simon TD, Butler J, Whitlock KB, Browd SR, Holubkov R, Kestle JRW, Kulkarni AV, Langley M, Limbrick DD, Mayer Hamblett N, Tamber M, Wellons JC III, Whitehead WE, Riva-Cambrin J
No significant improvement in the rate of accurate ventricular catheter location using ultrasound-guided CSF shunt insertion: a prospective, controlled study by the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Whitehead WE, Riva-Cambrin JRC, Wellons JC, Kulkarni AV, Holubkov R, Illner A, Oakes JW, Luerssen TG, Walker ML, Drake JM, Kestle JRW
Outcomes of CSF shunting in children: comparison of Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network cohort with historical controls
Kulkarni AV, Riva-Cambrin J, Butler J, Browd SR, Drake JM, Holubkov R, Kestle JRW, Limbrick DD, Simon TD, Tamber M, Wellons JC, Whitehead WE
The assessment of bulging fontanel and splitting of sutures in premature infants: an interrater reliability study by the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network
Wellons JC, Holubkov R, Browd SR, Riva-Cambrin J, Whitehead WE, Kestle JR, Kulkarni AK
Center effect and other factors influencing temporization and shunting of cerebrospinal fluid in preterm infants with intraventricular hemorrhage
Riva-Cambrin J, Shannon CN, Holubkov R, Whitehead WE, Kulkarni AV, Drake J, Simon TD, Browd SR, Kestle JRW, Wellons JC
A standardized protocol to reduce cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection: The Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network Quality Improvement Initiative
Kestle JRW, Riva-Cambrin J, Wellons JC III, Kulkarni AV, Whitehead WE, Walker ML, Oakes WJ, Drake JM, Luerssen TG, Simon TD, Holubkov R
Reinfection following initial cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection
Simon T, Hall M, Dean M, Kestle J, Riva-Cambrin J
Infection rates following initial cerebrospinal fluid shunt placement across U.S. pediatric hospitals
Simon T, Hall M, Riva-Cambrin J, Albert J, Jeffries H, LaFleur B, Dean M, Kestle J
A multicenter retrospective comparison of conversion from temporary to permanent cerebrospinal fluid diversion in very low birth weight infants with posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus
Wellons J, Shannon C, Kulkarni A, Simon T, Riva-Cambrin J, Whitehead W, Oakes J, Drake J, Luerssen T, Walker M, Kestle J
Hospital care for children with hydrocephalus in the United States: Utilization, charges, comorbidities, and deaths
Simon T, Riva-Cambrin J, Srivastava R, Bratton S, Dean M, Kestle J